The EU-leadS project intends to promote self-leadership as a key competence towards the sustainable growth of European small and medium-sized enterprises, promoting the synergy between technical skills and emotional intelligence.
The EU-leadS project aims to integrate and enhance the technical skills of European entrepreneurs active in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, through transversal skills and the use of empathic techniques likely to be functional to the recognition and effective management of emotions, directing them toward individuals’ psycho-physical well-being, as well as corporate growth objectives.

The partnership is made up of public and private actors active in the field of Continuous Professional Development, at a formal and non-formal education level:
Associazione FacilitAscolto
The FacilitAscolto Association, Rome-based project coordinator, has been promoting training and awareness raising activities around active and generative listening since 2018, considering communication and relationships with others as the core for the discovery and development of one's full personal and professional potential, and therefore of European societies. In particular, the Association offers continuing professional training courses for young people and professionals, with the aim of enhancing transversal skills in order to improve and more satisfactory employability.
Riga Technical University - RTU
Riga Technical University - RTU is the largest University in Latvia, the only polytechnic university in the country and one of the largest in the Baltic area. RTU is a modern and internationally recognized university. In its nine faculties RTU uses advanced teaching methods, new technologies and an innovative approach to offer exciting courses of study not only in engineering, but also in the social sciences and humanities, thus serving to train highly qualified specialists both from a technical point of view, as much as from the point of view of transversal skills, so that the trained profiles are competitive and able to respond to the demands of the international labor market, contributing to the sustainable growth of Latvia and all of Europe.
DRAMBLYS is a Spanish organization, based in Albacete, which combines strategic thinking and creative vision across different disciplines to develop new partnerships and collaborations in all sectors, public and private, to promote and support social creativity initiatives. The main activities consist of: social planning, project management, data analysis, support for the management and development of social enterprises also through on-the-job continuous professional training courses for entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs. DRAMBLYS aspires to serve as an interactive platform and meeting point for the exchange, design, inspiration and promotion of projects holding a high level of social innovation, both globally and locally.
CNA Abruzzo
CNA ABRUZZO promotes, in the wider fram of the CNA system, the typical values of entrepreneurship and the market economy in society, institutions, politics and the business world itself, trying to harmoniously combine corporate interests and general interests of Italian and European citizens and professionals, actively participating in the development of businesses and entrepreneurs, also in order to counter the socio-economic implications of unemployment and poverty. CNA represents 10,000 companies, has 12 offices and 120 employment centers in Abruzzo. CNA Abruzzo offers training, internationalization and innovation services through activities such as the construction of a business strategic plan, the creation of startups, coaching, fablab services and building roadmaps towards (self)entrepreneurship.
The EU-leadS project aims to:
– map training practices and virtuous tools for the enhancement of key competences, through an increased awareness and management of emotions, with a view to continuous professional development, so that these enhance the technical skills of entrepreneurs (SMEs) and aspiring ones;
– equip trainers, coaches, experts in human resource management and all professionals active in the field of continuing professional education and training (formal and non-formal) with a relevant and modular cognitive and relational curriculum, aimed at training self-awareness and empathy for the development of self-leadership in entrepreneurs and business leaders;
– offer opportunities for the exchange of practices and know how (peer learning) in the transnational field among operators active in the sector of continuing vocational education and training (formal and non-formal) and among entrepreneurs of European small and medium-sized enterprises;
– raise awareness of entities related to the partnership on the issue of self-leadership and transfer the training approach to entities that exceed the consortium and the countries directly involved in the initiative.

Collection of virtuous practices, useful tools and testimonials for the promotion of entrepreneurial self-leadership
The EU-leadS initiative will start with an activity dedicated to the identification and collection of innovative methodologies, approaches and tools, aimed at encouraging the learning of the transversal aspects of work (authenticity, awareness, management of emotions...) in a view to enhance the technical skills of entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs. The research will examine the geographical area directly affected by the project (Italy, Latvia, Spain), also introducing elements, challenges and trends characterizing the existing opportunities, at European level, in the field of continuous professional development within SMEs, with a particular focus on interpersonal skills and the centrality of emotional intelligence for the sustainable and resilient growth of companies.
Learning mobility in Spain
VET experts active in promoting entrepreneurship as a competence, and SME entrepreneurs active in Italy, Latvia and Spain, will take part in a transnational learning mobility that will take place in Albacete (Spain) in the autumn of 2022. Study visits to virtuous realities on themes of self-leadership and thematic workshops animated by each of the partners involved, will contribute to increasing the know-how and toolbox of the participants with new experiences, perspectives and relevant tools, resulting in the acquisition of an international, multidisciplinary and integrated vision, for the construction of new and meaningful approaches toward the promotion of entrepreneurial self-leadership.
Final event
At the end of the project initiative, the partners and those who have taken part in the EU-leadS path as learners, interested parties, supporters or simply for thematic interest and curiosity, will animate a final event, hosted in Pescara by CNA Abruzzo, aiming to share the project results achieved with sectoral experts and stakeholders, jointly assessing their replicability potential.

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of its contents, that only reflect the views of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The EU-leadS project (2021-2-IT01-KA210-VET-000049845) is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
- Project start: 1 March 2022
- Duration: 15 months
- Project nr.: 2021-2-IT01-KA210-VET-000049845
- Budget: 60.000,00 €
- Action: KA2 Partnership for cooperation